Hey you! The multi-passionate one! Yes, I know you’re working, but I also know you’re multi-talented. As we’re getting ready (or not getting ready) for spring cleaning, why not declutter the space both around and within you?
In this post, I’m listing 9 thoughts multi-passionates have that hold us back from doing the things we love. If you’ve thought any of these, know that you are not alone (how do you think I came up with them)?
So, here are 9 thoughts to get rid of in your spring cleaning:
1. I can only be good at one thing
Umm? Who says?! You can absolutely do more than one thing and rock both (or all) of them.
2. I’m not a real [fill in the blank]
This reeks of imposter syndrome, and I’m not having it! Again, just because you’re working on more than one thing doesn’t mean you’re faking any of them.
3. I don’t have enough time for [fill in the blank]
As multi-passionate professionals, it’s so easy to think that you don’t have time for anything outside of work. But, you can make time for it, even if it’s just a few minutes in your week. That counts and it’s enough.

4. I can’t because everyone else is
Yes, chances are you’re not the only one who’s passionate about your thing. But rather than make this a reason to shy away from it, why not use it as motivation or an example that it’s doable?
5. People are going to laugh
Maybe they will, maybe they won’t. The real ones won’t pull you down for trying though.
6. What if my colleagues find out?
Let’s be real; chances are they won’t. I have a feeling this thing that you love is completely unrelated to what it is that you already do. If, however, you do share or someone finds out – amazing! You’re a professional through and through.
7. It’s going to take me forever to get good at my passion
Alright then. Get started!
8. I don’t know anyone who’s done it
This is not an excuse. Read a book about it. Listen to someone speak on it. Trust me: you’ll meet other people who’ve done it once you get into the field and start doing the work as well.
9. I’m not multi-passionate; I’m indecisive
Listen here: you’re only indecisive while you’re avoiding embracing all of your passions. You can decide to do more than one thing. And you can do them all with what one of my best friends calls “grace and finesse.” You’ve got this.

Ooph. Did any of these remind you of something you’ve thought in the past? Have you been thinking and dreaming about something you love to do but hesitating because it’s different from what you’re already passionate about?
It’s so common for us to get bogged down by messaging that implies that we can’t really succeed at doing more than one thing. And like I said, so many multi-passionate women have struggled with these thoughts.
Now is a good time to get rid of them. You can start here, by working through the Overcome Imposter Syndrome workbook. It’s a simple, 4-step process to stop feeling like a fraud so that you can get back to what you’re really passionate about. I can’t wait to hear your progress and see you in the next post!