Multi-passionate? Say No to EVERYTHING on this List

Hey, multi-passionates. I know you’re working hard on more than one thing. I also know that, sometimes, we feel like we just don’t have enough time.

A few posts ago, we spoke about how to say no to things that aren’t important so that you can say yes to the things that are. In this post, we’re taking that one step further and getting really specific about what we not gon’ do this year. I’ve got a list of nine things multi-passionate people should say “no” to. Make sure you’re not falling into any of these traps!

That's right. We're saying no to every single thing on this list. Because as multi-passionate women, we don't have time for them anymore. Click to make sure you're not doing any of these!

1. Comparing your achievements to someone else’s

Okay, so Suzy got into that program and you didn’t. What does that have to do with your passions though? Let’s clap for Suzy and then zero back in on what you care about.

2. Appraising your passion

You can do something just because. It is valuable just because. There doesn’t have to be a business, a cause, or a research project attached to everything. 

3. Putting a deadline on your success 

Don’t stop just because you’re not where you want to be yet. Remember, if you “failed,” you’re not done. (Read: How to Crush Your Long-Term Goals).

4. Justifying why you’re doing something

Some people aren’t going to get it, and that’s okay. It’s not for them. It’s for you.

5. Saying no to your passion to say yes to someone’s request

Your time is valuable. It’s okay to say no to something so that you can get back to what matters to you. It’s not being selfish. It’s being focused. (Read: Want to Do Less? Here’s How to Say No – Quickly!)

6. Taking unsolicited feedback personally

Who cares what they think about the brave things you’re doing? Why does Barbara’s opinion matter? If you’re not seeking mentorship from someone… then you’re not seeking mentorship from them. You don’t have to attach any weight to their opinion because it’s just not relevant.

7. Consuming more than you create

Focusing on what other people are doing isn’t going to help you move forward with your own passion projects. It’s going to help you doubt them.

8. Perfectionism

Please stop telling yourself that you can only go for it if you know what you’re doing, how to do it, and how to make it just right. You’re still learning!

9. Procrastination

Let’s be real: you have way too much going on to defer things until later. There are lots of reasons why you might be procrastinating. It’s normal, but it’s not helpful. If this is your struggle, you’re not alone, and I’ve got a few posts to help with that too. (Read: How to Procrastinate Better)


Alright y’all, there you have it: your official NO list. Again, if we want to live fulfilling lives – filled with all of our passions – then we have to be aware of the thoughts and behaviours that take away from that.

On the flip side, something you should say yes to is joining a group of multi-passionate career women who are serious about their self-care and productivity. Join our email community for helpful PDF workbooks, and I’ll see you in the next post! (See what I did there?)

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