Raise your hand if you’ve ever said, “I’ll get to it when…” When you finish your degree, or once you finish that paper, or when you get that promotion.
Here’s the thing: when you’ve got more than one passion, you’ve got more than one big dream. And big dreams don’t just happen overnight; they take months of consistent and determined action to become reality.
You don’t have time to delay progress in what you love because other things are “more important.” They’re really just more urgent because someone else has prioritized them that way.
So, if you’re multi-passionate and wanting to get back to something you love, here are four reasons to do so right now.
1. You’ve been meaning to do this for a while
I don’t know about you, but when I get the urge to work on something, it nags at me until it’s done. That’s the funny thing about our passions: they don’t just go away.
I love traveling, but I still haven’t made the time (or dollars) to go on my dream trip to Spain, Portugal, and Morocco. Anyone who’s heard me talk about travel already knows that I’ve been meaning to go to these three places since med school.
And yet here I am still talking about it… and I’ll continue to do so until it happens!
Now, I’m sure you can think of something that’s been calling to you for months on end, and hasn’t gone away. If you want the pestering to stop, you should really consider just doing it already.
(Question for my future self: have you made the trip yet?)
2. You’ll help someone
Most of the time, the passions we have are things that we’re good at, or things that would help someone. Of course, we need to be careful that we’re not doing something just because we feel like we “should,” but is there a chance that your passion would be helpful if you followed through with it? Is there anyone you can think of who would benefit from your inspired action?
Maybe your colleagues will be influenced by your example of braveness and self-care in a workplace that doesn’t always encourage it. Or maybe a friend of yours has been hoping you’d get back to that talent you had as a child and still have now. If you’re struggling to make time for your passion, and if you won’t do it for yourself, will you consider doing it for someone else?

3. To step into your authenticity
A lot of the time, we feel as if we’re not doing what we’re “meant to.” What we’re spending time on doesn’t reflect what we’re most passionate about. This is so common.
Yet, rather than questioning who you are and whether or not you’re doing “the right thing,” try just getting involved with something you’re passionate about. It could be for half an hour or a full day. Getting started will help ground you in your truth, in what matters to you.
Try it. Do a bit more of what you love and see how this shifts your understanding of your purpose and of who you are. You’ll be surprised at how quickly reconnecting with your passion leads to reconnecting with yourself.

4. If you don’t, no one will do it for you
Lastly, if you don’t make time for your passion now, no one else will. It’s sad, but it’s true, because no one knows just how much it means to you. If you’ve been putting other things ahead of your passion, recognize that this is a pattern only you can change.
And you can change it. Don’t judge your progress based on how much time you’re spending on your passion; whatever amount of space and time you make for it is enough.
I really hope I’ve encouraged you to make time for your passion now rather than later. Some things to consider are that:
- You’ve been meaning to do this for a while
- You might help someone
- You’ll get at your core, and
- No one else will do it for you
Once you make that first step, I’ll be right here cheering you on! And if you need help pursuing your passion without the guilt, make sure to join our email community below. I’ll send some helpful PDF workbooks straight to your inbox.