Struggling with clinical boundaries? 2 quick & easy fixes for more time

“Sorry for so many messages end of day Friday!” A patient of mine who is unstably housed needed help. He’s the kind of patient who doesn’t interact with the health system unless he really needs to. He lives in a…

The 4 C’s: Get Clear and Focus on Your Passion

Once I put my credit card number into the checkout page, it was official. I was paying for this blog, and so I needed to make it count. Mind you, I’d done this before… I just quit. The year before,…

7 Reminders for Multi-Passionate Career Women (#1 – Ditch the Guilt!)

This one’s for all my multi-passionate readers who’ve felt guilty or ashamed about doing what they love. If you’ve ever been told to “just focus already,” “pick something,” or to “make up your mind,” it’s probably because someone was trying…

The #1 Secret to Using Your Weekly Planner

It’s the end of the week and you’re exhausted. You’re about to say bye to the grind and hi to “me time,” but of course, there’s still so much to do. Right now, though, you’re focused on sleeping and recovering.…

How to Deal When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

As multi-passionate career women, there are so many ways we can spend our time. We could volunteer, work on that creative project, do more at work, and the list goes on. But that’s the problem. The list goes on, and…

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome in 4 Steps

I’ve recently discovered that I have to get over myself. I speak Spanish. But whenever I said that in the past, I felt like a fraud. Or I’d say that I spoke “just a little,” which isn’t true. I can…

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