I hope you had a restful holiday season. I’m looking forward to starting clinic back up tomorrow, but for the first Monday of the year, I wanted to support you in your goals for this year.
Whatever your goals are, here’s how to show up for them consistently.
It’s NOT by “trying harder.”
Or by being “more organized.”
And it’s definitely not by figuring out how other people have done it.
Instead, you’re going to go after your goals by being mindful of unhelpful thoughts and redirecting them. So for example:
“I don’t have time for it”
Or in other words, I’m letting all these other things that other people need get in the way. I’m doing all the things I’m “supposed to” and none of the things that I want to because I “can’t let the team down.” (You need me to see one more person? No problem. I can skip lunch.)
“I used to be able to (fill in the blank) but I haven’t done it in so long”
If this is you, you’re likely holding yourself to an impossible standard from the past. Lots of times, my clients compare where they are right now to where they were when they had fewer responsibilities.
“I don’t know if I can devote enough time and attention to this right now”
Sounds reasonable right? But if this is your thought, you’re really thinking you can’t get it done “right.” You have a high standard for all of your work, which is excellent, until it gets in the way of you even showing up. If you feel like there’s no point in getting started unless you’re sure you can do a good job, this is your thought trap.
So in a nutshell, show up more consistently by calling out your unhelpful thoughts.
Catch these small, sometimes reasonable-sounding thoughts. Because if you don’t think you have enough time, you’ll never get started. If you tell yourself you’re waiting for the right time, you’ll just delay your progress.
Showing up consistently:
- Think about your goal.
- Then think about your deadline.
- And then watch all of the excuses your brain offers you about why it can’t be done.
- Catch these thoughts and redirect them.
When this becomes second nature to you, you stop wondering where your time went and you’re able to see exactly what’s getting in the way of your results. It takes you so much less time to get started, and you actually follow through with those important goals.
One of my clients realized that she wasn’t able to stick with her fitness goals because whenever she missed a workout, she thought she’d lost all her progress and there was no point in starting over. When we uncovered how this thinking was counterproductive, she started adding 1 more home workout per week. And she DIDN’T buy that gym membership or pay for the personal trainer she thought she needed. She simply caught herself whenever she missed a workout and decided that it wasn’t a big deal; she would restart the next day instead.
When you catch and arrest unhelpful thoughts consistently, you show up for your goals consistently.
You get things done.
This is what we do in coaching. Sign up for a consult here.
All my best and Happy New Year!
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