Look. We’ve all been there. We’ve found something that truly brings us joy and yet we’ve downplayed it because, quite frankly, we were embarrassed by it.
It just didn’t fit into the spaces we made for ourselves, and so we hid our passion in order to avoid judgement from co-workers, from family and from strangers who don’t even matter!
I’ve done this, and it’s extremely limiting. I used to feel guilty about spending time writing and traveling and so many other things that I now make space for. (Read: 4 Reasons to Make Time For Your Passion Now)
But here’s the thing: there is no shame in doing what nurtures your soul, and there’s nothing unprofessional about prioritizing your self-care. Self-care is rooted in making time for the things that matter to you.
So, if you’re hesitating to make time for your passion, here are some prompts to help you work through any guilt you may have:
1. What do you mean by unprofessional?
Honest question. When you call your passion “unprofessional,” what exactly do you mean? Is it that your passion is thought of as more creative than the work that you already do? Is it that it doesn’t require formal education, whereas what you’re doing now does? Or is it that it’s not related to what you’ve previously spent time on?
All of these things indicate change, not unprofessionalism. If you allow yourself to do what you love, you’ll be doing something different, which is fine.
Reframe the thought: by allowing myself to work on my passion, I’m allowing myself to enter new spaces.

2. How could you approach this passion professionally?
If you’re stuck on the thought that what you love isn’t “professional,” could you do it in a way that is? So for example, if you were worried about being a clown at children’s parties, but you did it anyways and donated some of your revenue to groups that support children in the community, would that be unprofessional?
When we redefine our passions, we get more comfortable exploring them. We can redefine them by specifically identifying what is special about them, and by getting clear as to why they’re important to us. The key is in creating an identity within the passion that’s aligned with what you already stand for. If you’re passionate about bringing laughter and stability into children’s lives, maybe that’s why the clown business is for you.
It’s important, however, that you don’t get stuck feeling like you need to justify your passion. It’s okay to do something just for you, and you don’t need to defend its validity. In fact, insisting on doing so is a sure fire way to keep you stuck in your tracks overanalyzing things.
Reframe the thought: I approach my passion with integrity.

3. You are a professional
Ever notice how the most talented people are the ones who work the hardest on their craft? Or that even the best of the best still doubt themselves sometimes? (Read: How to Work Past Self Doubt When You Have Big Goals) Best-selling authors, star athletes, and award-winning artists still get nervous before they do what they do. But they’re also still professionals.
Often, we hold others up in esteem, but fail to see the light within ourselves. Get ready for this next statement: you are a professional too. You are 100% amazing at what you do, and this passion of yours is no different. Yes, there is always room for you to grow into it, but you have to acknowledge the skills that you already possess.
Worrying that your passion is unprofessional while you yourself are a professional just doesn’t add up. If you approach this thing with the same work ethic that you do everything else, it’s going to be amazing.
Reframe the thought: my passion is as legitimate as I am.

4. What would someone in your field tell you if she knew you were worried?
Whatever it is that you’re hoping to do, there’s someone out there who’s already done it and done it well. You probably look up to that person. If she knew that you thought her work was “unprofessional,” how would she respond?
What would this successful person tell you about her work, and how would that refute whatever you’ve been telling yourself? Maybe it’s created a life of freedom for her. Maybe her work has helped others. Or maybe this person thought the same thing you’re thinking about your passion until she mustered up the courage to just go for it. And you can too.
Reframe the thought: there’s a community of people who share my passion.

When we fall into the fear of judgement, we limit how we show up in this world. We’re afraid to try new things and we wonder how people will perceive us. The idea of being interested in something but not going after it because it’s not generally viewed as “professional” is a barrier that we create for ourselves. In this post, we talked about four ways to shift our thoughts and do more with our passions, guilt-free. These mindset shifts are that:
- Exploring your passion is an opportunity to enter new spaces of growth
- You can approach your passion with the same level of professionalism as you approach your other work
- Your passion is as legitimate as you are, and
- There’s a community of people who are doing it right
So go for it; do that thing! And if you could use more reminders about how and why you should go after your passions, guilt-free, join our email community below. I’ll start by sending you some PDF workbooks to work through some of the blocks that are getting in your way.

If you could use more reminders to prioritize your self-care, join the mailing list below.
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